Wired for success

Students put their knowledge of wiring and electricity to use during a recent competition where a lucrative career can be the ultimate prize.
High school students from Monroe Area, Morgan County, Social Circle and Oconee County participated in the Agricultural Electrification Career Development Event that promotes the safe, efficient use of electricity and offers scholarships.
JR Dickens, Oconee County High School, came in first place, and Leyton Morris, Morgan County High School, placed second.
This competition, sponsored by Walton EMC and FFA, is designed to teach students about wiring and the national standards for safe installation while developing skills that can lead to rewarding careers. It also creates a pipeline of apprentice linemen for rural electric cooperatives that bring power to consumers across Georgia.
Each participant takes a multiple-choice written exam, gives an oral presentation describing necessary steps to complete a specific electrical task, and completes a timed, real-life wiring problem testing their knowledge of the National Electric Code.
Find out more at waltonemc.com>community.
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