We couldn’t have done it without you!
Our commitment to investing in what matters most to our customer owners has earned Walton EMC a #1 ranking among residential electric cooperatives in the J.D. Power 2024 U.S. Electric Utility Brand Appeal Index Study. For delivering outstanding customer service and engagement, the co-op is the recipient of a coveted 2024 J.D. Power Award and the right to be called “#1 for Brand Appeal” among residential electric cooperatives.
Walton EMC CEO Ron Marshall thanked members for giving the co-op high marks to earn the prestigious recognition.
“Our members are our highest priority,” he said, “so it’s gratifying to know we are succeeding in our mission as a consumer-owned electric cooperative.”
The J.D. Power study, conducted July 2023 through May 2024, surveyed utility consumers about their overall brand experience. Electric utilities were scored in three areas: company reputation, marketing execution and customer trust. Among electric cooperatives, Walton EMC earned the highest scores in all three of the categories measured.
“Brand appeal is a critical marker of a well-managed utility because it shows that the utility is going above and beyond to engage and connect with customers and, importantly, that their communications are aligning with the brand traits customers most value,” said Chris Oberle, managing director of utilities intelligence at J.D. Power.
Walton EMC has succeeded in cultivating a strong brand presence in customer-owners’ lives through best practices such as member-elected leadership, transparent performance reporting, industry innovation, service quality and proactive customer interactions. Initiatives such as Operation Round Up and School EmPOWERment grants earned high scores for community engagement.
Being a J.D. Power awarded brand places Walton EMC in an elite category among all U.S. utilities. The prestigious recognition is yet another reflection of the power of cooperation, Marshall said.
“This success belongs to all of us — members, leaders, management and employees,” he said. “This honor, combined with Walton EMC’s consistently stellar reliability performance, is something we should all be extremely proud of.”
Walton EMC received the highest score in the Electric Cooperatives segment of the J.D. Power 2024 U.S Utility Brand Appeal Index (BAI) Study, which analyzes how well U.S. utilities relate to their customers and evaluates the specific actions that influence overall brand experience. Visit jdpower.com/awards for more details.