2023 Power Moves
Setting goals for the new year? Make Walton EMC a part of your 2023 to-do list. Your co-op offers plenty of opportunities for making power moves that can benefit you, and the community, all year long.
Simplify your billing. If the peaks of winter and summer electric bills are tough on your budget, sign up for Levelized Billing. It allows residential customer-owners to pay nearly the same amount on their electric bill each month, removing the month-to-month fluctuations caused by changing weather and other factors.
Track your energy use. Manage your energy from your mobile device by downloading the myWaltonEMC app. It allows you to monitor your home’s energy use by the hour and day, and also see how weather affects your electric bill.
Opt for Operation Round Up. Join with fellow co-op customer-owners who are allowing Walton EMC to round up their electric bill to the next dollar. Sharing your change helps worthy organizations and needy individuals throughout the co-op’s service area.
Give solar a shot. Support renewable energy by purchasing solar electricity through Walton EMC’s Cooperative Solar program. Each block is only $25 a month. The solar energy it produces offsets the same number of kilowatt-hours on your power bill.
Attend the annual meeting. Make plans to participate in the co-op’s 87th Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 17, 2023. Watch for announcements in May regarding meeting day details, board elections and how you can register to win prizes.
Learn more about these programs or sign up online at the links in this story. Or, call 770-267-2505 to speak with a customer care representative, available Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.–7 p.m.