We all want to take ownership and responsibility over things in our lives—it’s human nature. Being a part of a co-op like Walton Electric allows you to do just that.
What is a Co-op?
A co-op is an association of people that work together to meet needs through a jointly-owned, democratically-controlled enterprise. Basically, what this means is it is a company in which members are owners.
Walton Electric is a co-op. This makes it different from many other power companies because it is owned by the people it serves. There are a few important principles that go into making Walton Electric the co-op it is. These principles include: Voluntary and Open Membership, Democratic Member Control, Members’ Economic Participation, Autonomy and Independence, Education Training and Information, Cooperation Among Cooperatives and Concern for Community.
Why be a Part of a Co-op?
Every year on the third Saturday in June, the co-op has a meeting to take care of business. In these meeting the members get a say in things that are going on. The members are owners, so they get the opportunity to voice their concerns and make their voices heard.
Walton EMC started in 1936 to provide electricity to rural consumers who couldn’t get it elsewhere. There were companies that refused to serve these rural consumers, so Walton was created to help them and make a difference in their lives. That is the power of a cooperative community, and that is why Walton is so much more than just an electric company. If you would like to learn more about Walton as a co-op, you can find out more here.